Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year

Hey Pixies!

So Happy New Year to all of you, I hope you all had a good one!

So last year I did a resolutions post, but to be fair I didn't really keep to any of them, 2013 was a pretty shit year for me and I don't want to set the bar too high for myself as far as resolutions are concerned as they end up just being a disappointment. 
So this year I just want to take everything as it comes and cope with anything that is thrown at me as well as I possibly can. 

The one resolution that I do have, is that I want to really throw everything into this ickle blog of mine! Recently (I know I've slipped a bit but it was christmas - leave me alone) I have loved sticking to a schedule, and have really been getting into it and loving blogging again! 

(You might have to be a tad lenient at times as I am in the middle of my AS Levels so school does tend to get in the way of blogging quite a bit but I am going to try and keep it up as well as I can!)

I finally feel like I know my own blog. That might sound weird to just blog readers but if you have a blog I'm sure you understand the feeling that you've got this blog but you don't really know what you want it to be. It is so easy to compare your blog, or try and make your blog like others but sooner or later you have to accept that your blog is just an extension of you and you can't be anyone else but you and it's exactly the same with your blog! Finally I know my little blog, and I quite like it as it goes :) 
I appreciate every comment that I receive and every new follower I get as few or many as I may have - so thank you! 

So guys I'm sorry if this post was boring to you but I feel weird just beauty posting again without acknowledging a new year beginning! I really do hope that 2014 is a better year for me and a great one for all of you! 

Much love and thank you! 



  1. Hi, can i ask how you got the symbols for social on the side tab?

    1. Hey! No that's fine! To be honest I think I just googled it, this video is pretty much all you need to know!

  2. Hey I am so new to blogging! And I have just looked at your blog and it's amazing, I want my blog to be like yours one day! At the moment I get like no page views but I will get there one day!❤️ But yeah you have an amazing blog lovely xxxx

    1. Aw! This comment made my day!! Oh trust me, I've been doing this for a while and am nowhere near where I'd like to be! But thankyou so much anyways!! I looked at your blog and it's great, but I couldn't find anywhere to follow you:( I really recommend getting bloglovin, it's so useful if you're a lover of blogs and want people to be able to see and follow your blog more easily! Much Love xxxx

  3. Srecna nova 2016 godina !!!
